Styling profiles allow for symbolic names to be used in place of hard coded values for line-color and line-style.
The following styles are defined in the default schema.
SingleGraph HWBoundary HWFailure HruleMin HruleNormal HruleMax BpsIn BpsOut
in out
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
red1 red2 red3 red4 green1 green2 green3 green4 blue1 blue2 blue3 blue4
black grey25 grey50 grey75 white red red25 red50 red75 green green25 green50 green75 blue blue25 blue50 blue75 blood scarlet rose orange leaf bud mint marine sky mauve lilac
aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque blanchedalmond blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyellow lightgreen lightgrey lightpink lightsalmon lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy oldlace olive olivedrab orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat whitesmoke yellow
WARNING: Some styles are mandatory
Schema overlays allow the user to extend or override the styles defined in the default schema. The schema overlays are formatted in the form of a hash of hashes.
, ##twofish
, ##redfish
, ##bluefish
the following entries should be created in a descriptive file located
in the styling
$RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'onefish'}{'color'} = '##darkred'; $RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'onefish'}{'line'} = 'LINE1';
$RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'twofish'}{'color'} = '##red'; $RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'twofish'}{'line'} = 'LINE2';
$RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'redfish'}{'color'} = '##yellow';
$RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'bluefish'}{'color'} = '##deeppink';
Other methods of adding to the hash of hashes are also acceptable.
, ##out
entries similar to the following should be created in a descriptive file
located in the styling
$RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'in'}{'color'} = '##yellow'; $RRFW::Renderer::graphStyles{'out'}{'color'} = '##maroon';
Other methods of adding to the hash of hashes are also acceptable.
$RRFW::Renderer::stylingProfileOverlay = 'fish-schema';Restart apache
You may have to wait for the image cache to clear before the changes take effect.
To replace a schema, create a new schema using as a guide. Remember some styles are mandatory.
$RRFW::Renderer::stylingProfile = "Your-schema";
You may have to wait for the image cache to clear before the changes take effect.
Copyright (c) 2003 Shawn Ferry